Mathseeds Play & Learn

Build your child’s number sense with a fun range of guided, interactive maths activities.

Number sense is the cornerstone for success in maths and has lifelong implications for a child. The Mathseeds Play & Learn app series for years K–3 provides a fun, supportive and highly interactive way for your child to learn number sense and early mathematical skills.
Your child can choose from 35+ guided activities per year level where they can learn to count, add, subtract, multiply and divide. The activities are levelled and increase in difficulty. Your child will also learn about shapes, geometry, data and measurement.
Each activity includes fun animations and play-based tasks which really encourage children to enjoy mathematics and approach learning in a positive way from an early age.
Key Features
- 35+ guided activities which reinforce strategies children learn at school
- a wide range of virtual manipulatives that build, develop and extend your child’s number sense
- dynamic activities and a variety of question types to keep children engaged and on task for longer
- clear audio instructions to support your child’s understanding.

If you have any questions about our apps, please email us at